Irina Khmiadashvili’s article about the training organized by “Society Biliki” for media representatives on issues of promotion of employment of disabled people.

The meetings held in Borjomi with representatives of regional media and public relations organized by “Society Biliki” have ended.

During several days of meetings, the main emphasis was placed on promoting the employment of disabled people and protecting their rights.

The working part was devoted to the discussion of the current situation and legislative issues in Georgia regarding the employment of persons with disabilities. Irina Khmiadashvili attended the meetings outside Neo TV.

“When we talk about promoting the development of democracy in the country, we should be engaged in solving such problems, instead of covering useless political quibbles/statements. The media has the most important role, and the days spent in Borjomi helped us to understand this role, where each of us embodied the reality around us with appropriate exercises/simulations, what difficulties disabled people face when moving, in relationships, looking for jobs, etc. Often these groups of society are presented in such a way that they evoke a feeling of pity in the reader or viewer, which I think is wrong. On the contrary, as media representatives, we should find successful people with disabilities and show that they can do it by covering their examples. If we serve to establish equality in the country, we should always have such issues on the agenda of our activities”, Irina Khmiadashvili noted at the end of the meeting.

At the end of the meeting, the participants summarized the goals and expected results of the training. The meeting with media representatives is held within the framework of the project “Promotion of employment of disabled persons and optimization of labor policy in the labor market of Georgia”, which is implemented by “Society Biliki” and the Slovak organization TENENET with the financial support of Slovak Aid.


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