2023 Summary Event of the Regional Hub of Shida Kartli

On January 25, 2024, the 2023 Summary Event of the Regional Hub of Shida Kartli was held. Marika Mgebrishvili, the Head of the Association of Society Biliki, and Rusudan Tabukashvili , “Civil Society STAR Initiative”, project coordinator, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) opened the event. The activities of the Shida Kartli Regional Hub were presented by Marika Mgebrishvili, […]

On October 21, 2023, representatives of regional media and public relations gathered in Borjomi, in Borjomi Likani Hotel, organized by “Society Biliki”.

On October 21, 2023, representatives of regional media and public relations gathered in Borjomi, in Borjomi Likani Hotel, organized by “Society Biliki”.During several days, the participants of the meeting will discuss the issues of promoting the employment of disabled people and, most importantly, protecting their rights.The meeting was opened by the head of “Society Biliki” […]

On October 21-26, 2023, in Borjomi, the journalists of qartli.ge, TV monitoring, NEO TV, TV Mozaika and representatives of public relations and information departments of Gori, Marneuli and Zugdidi municipalities attended the training on the topic – supported the employment of PwD organized by Society Biliki.

Lawyer Ana Tavkhelidze and journalist Nino Zautashvili facilitated the meeting. At the meeting, the participants received important information, both regarding legislative issues and the problems faced by people with disabilities. The programs prepared on social issues and their results in the talk show “Realuri Sivrtse” (real space) were discussed too. The participants of the meeting […]

On November 22, 2023, the representatives of businesses, social enterprises, governmental and non-governmental organizations of the region gathered to discuss the issues of the development of social responsibility and supported employment of vulnerable groups. The „Society Biliki” organized the meeting.

Presentations, panel discussions, demonstration of successful examples of social responsibility implemented by private business representatives, work of social enterprises, and sharing of Slovak experience made clear how important and timely cooperation of the non-governmental and business sectors is for the development of social responsibility, promotion of employment of vulnerable groups and strengthening of the eco-system […]

Round Table – Panel Discussion | On December 6, Society Biliki and Slovak organization TENENET organized a meeting in Tbilisi to discuss supported employment and optimization of labor policy in Georgia with the representatives of governmental, non-governmental, and international organizations working in this field.

On December 6, Society Biliki and Slovak organization TENENET organized a meeting in Tbilisi to discuss supported employment and optimization of labor policy in Georgia with the representatives of governmental, non-governmental, and international organizations working in this field. Marcela Hajtmankova, Projects Manager of TENENET opened the event, Zuzana Palosova from Slovak embassy welcomed participants and […]

Conference – Slovak Aid, TENENT, Society Biliki. On February 21-22, 2023, A conference was held in Gori on the issues of promotion of the employment of people with disabilities and optimization of labor policy.

On February 21-22, 2023, A conference was held in Gori on the issues of promotion of the employment of people with disabilities and optimization of labor policy. The first day of the conference was opened by TENENET representative Marcela Hajtmankova. Marika Mgebrishvili, the head of the Association of Society Biliki presented the results of the […]

On 26 of July, 2023, a working meeting of the members of the council working on the issues of disabled people with the municipalities of Zugdidi was held at the Grand hotel- Hotel.

26 July

On 26 of July, 2023, a working meeting of the members of the council working on the issues of disabled people with the municipalities of Zugdidi was held at the Grand hotel- Hotel. The head of Society Biliki Marika Mgebrishvili presented to council members the project activities and achieved results, and introduced the recommendations developed […]

July 3, 2023 Municipal Council Workshop on PwDs Issues at Marneuli Civic Engagement Center

On July3, 2023, a workshop of the members of the municipal council, working on the issues of persons with disabilities was held at Marneuli Centre for civic engagement. Maecela Hajtmankova, representative of Slovak organization TENENET welcomed participants online and wished them a fruitful day and successful cooperation. A head of the “Society Biliki” Marika Mgebrishvili […]

On July 2023, a working meeting of the members of the council working on the issues of disabled people with the municipalities of Gori and Khashuri was held at the Gori Inn Hotel.

The head of Society Biliki Marika Mgebrishvili presented to council members the project activities and achieved results, and introduced the recommendations developed for promoting the employment of people with disabilities in the framework of the project. While working in the working groups, the participants of the meeting discussed the issues of strengthening the professional skills […]

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